Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Twentieth Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Twentieth Century - Essay Example Not only does Kathe continue to teach art, she also explores different forms of art such as sketching, sculptures and self portraits. After spending a life dedicated to art, Kathe passes away just before the end of the war in 1945. Answer – Kathe’s prints and her drawings allow viewers to feel the emotion that she was portraying. Many of her pieces have a strong feeling and an apparent view of what she is trying to convey. Manu of Kathe’s prints and drawings capture real life situations. Her self -portraits are very satisfying and capture what many may have been feeling during that time. Her drawings are an exact match as to what was happening in the early 1900’s, as they show war, fear and sadness that many felt. Although a large portion of her work focuses on sadness in life, her art that shows life’s happiness is able to capture life’s most treasured moments. Many sculptures and drawings radiate life, happiness and joy. Answer- Although many of Kollwitz’s art are breathtaking, the piece that I have the strongest reaction to is the Mà ¼tter, 1919. This drawing seems to represent a lot of feeling. Each person in the drawing has their own expression. The expression is different for each individual but still portrays the same message. Some elements in the piece that allow me to have such a strong reaction are the way the adults are holding the children. They have a look of determination as well as fear while they protect their children. I respond to the piece so greatly as it represents what many families were going through during that era and it is an interpretation of real life. 1. Engage Pollock’s statement that â€Å"the modern painter cannot express this age †¦ in the old forms of the Renaissance or any other past culture.† What in this picture speaks specifically to mid-twentieth-century American culture? Answer- The statement made by Jackson is an accurate statement and example of why Jackson has taken on a

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